Wednesday, June 8, 2022

A Wet Wednesday Air Show

 The Yankee Museum was having what they call Wild Wednesday tonight.  It was a Wednesday Air Show and I've been looking forward to it.  Unfortunately, the weather gave me other plans.

The main attraction of the show was supposed to be the Canadian CF-18 Demo Group.  There was just enough moisture in the air that it would been cool with vapor trails and maybe even a cone.
A Convair CV-580 that came up from Shreveport.  I'm going to guess that it was carrying auto parts.
The CF-18 getting ready to go up.
The CF-18 coming up to the taxiway.
They started the show with a PBY Catalina going up.  These were used for search, rescuse and many other things.  I think some were even equipped with depth charges to go after submarines.
And since it was the Yankee Air Museum, the Yankee Lady was here.
It was pretty cool to see her going up.
They even gave a nice photo pass.
The Catalina coming around again.
I'll have to say this is a pretty cool looking aircraft.
This of course begs the question, if I saw this flying over a train, would it count as a trifecta?
Still a nice looking plane.
On the other leg.
Another shot of the Yankee Lady.
I kind of like this angle.
Another beam shot.
The Yankee Lady setting up for another pass.
A beam shot of the Yankee Lady.
The Catalina coming by for another pass.
I like this angle.
The Yankee Lady setting up again.
She was a little higher this time.
Setting up for a photo pass.
I think I like this shot.
Another of the Catalina.
One more.
The Catalina landing.
And then the CF-18 took off.
Full afterburners.
It makes a turn.
And comes by for another pass.
It would have been cool to see it go through its paces.  I would have seen vapor trails and everything.
But unfortunately, there was a bird strike and they had to shut down an engine.  It flew around a few times to burn off fuel and then it landed.
The O-2 Birddog coming up.
This plane was used as a combat air controller among other things.
It was based on a Cessna civilian design.
It comes by for another pass.
They brought the Catalina for another pass.
But sadly, the rain really started to pour and they stopped the show.  Oh well, I found out that I will get free tickets to the big air show.  So I'll be happy.

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