Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Going on a Quest for the Kirtland Warbler

 When I came back from Sault Ste Marie on Memorial Day weekend, I decided to take M-33 back home.  It was kind of nice to get on the freeway and apparently, that is the way I would have taken home back in the day.  It was also fairly scenic.  As I got around Mio, I saw signs that mentioned the Kirtland warbler.

The Kirtland warbler is also known as the jack pine warbler and was almost extinct.  It was named after Jared Potter Kirtland, an Ohio native and amateur naturalist.  The Kirtland warbler prefers to breed around jack pines and when the jack pines were almost eliminated, so were the warblers.
Through successful forestry, the jack pine has made a comeback and so has the Kirtland warbler.  When I got home, I decided to look up spots where I might be able to see them.  It didn't take too much digging and I was able to find some spots.

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