Tuesday, June 28, 2022

 I had one more ship to catch on Sunday.  It was another one I wanted to catch.

The Herbert C. Jackson was heading down from Rogers City.
Rogers City is home to the largest quarry in the world.
One of these days, I'm going to have to check it out.  They have a viewing area there.  It might be cool with my drone.
As a result, she would be heading down with a load of stone.  As if the stone dust on the side wasn't a clue.
She was heading to Fairport, Ohio.
Where I presume she would be delivering that stone.
She is a nice looking boat.
And this is one of my favorite angles.
She makes the turn for the channel.
A little closer.
The bow shot.  Probably the best bow shot on the lakes.
She makes another turn.
One more shot with my regular camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
I love the framing on this one.
I wasn't going for lower this time.  The blue is pretty cool.
The beam shot.
She continues on.
She passes the Hollyhock.  From this point, it is about 17 hours to her destination of Fairport.  This is a good half way point, as it is about 17 hours from Rogers City.

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