Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Search for the Kirtland Warbler Part II

 After catching the Munson, there weren't any other ships to catch, so I decided to head up to the Mio area again.  My search last time was cut short by a brake problem.

First I headed to the spot where I thought I saw a warbler last time.  I didn't see a warbler but I saw this scarlet tanager again.  Apparently, people consider seeing one of these lucky.  I will have to admit, it is a stunning bird.
I went to another spot where there were smaller jack pine trees.  I think I heard a couple.  I even think I saw a couple but I couldn't get a picture of them.  I did see the signs that said, "Kirtland warbler area", so I knew I was closer this time.  My mom said I might have better luck in the morning, so I might have to find a hotel in the area and do just that.
Anyway, I figured I could do the second best thing.  This statue was in Mio.  It is dedicated to the Kirtland warbler.
The kirtland warbler is also known as the jack pine warbler.  It is named after John Potter Kirtland who was an amateur birdwatcher and doctor.  It is a small songbird that prefers the jack pines.  Because the jack pine was nearly deforested, the warbler was almost extinct 50 years ago.  Through careful management of the forest, the bird has come off the extinct list.  It's not quite thriving yet, but it is getting there.

Because it almost exclusively lives in Michigan, some people think it should be the state bird instead of the robin.

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