Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Happy Rover is a Well Fed Rover

So the next ship was pretty cool.

I think she was coming up from Altamira, Mexico.  I would presume she loaded her windmill blades from there.
The Happy Rover was built in 1997.  She is currently serving under a Dutch flag.
Her cranes can lift 800 metric tons worth of cargo.
She is roughly 500 feet long.
She has a beam that allows her to go through the Welland Canal.
She was carrying these windmill blades up to Bay City.
I think the blades will go from Bay City to the area that is roughly around Fish Point.
Apparently, she is the first ship to use the Northwest Passage at the North Pole.
At any rate that is pretty cool.
Based on the dimensions of the ship, these blades are roughly 200 feet long.
I'll admit, they look pretty impressive when you are sitting next to them.
The pilot boat follows her.
One more shot.

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