Sunday, July 10, 2022

Catching the Munson

 So this is the ship that got me to go out shipwatching.  I didn't think there would be many ships but then I saw this one coming down from Calcite.

The John G. Munson was heading down to Conneaut and she had a load of stone.
I was happy to catch her because she is a pretty nice looking ship.
She is mostly a stone carrier.
But I think she occasionally carries ore.
It was a nice enough day.
She slowly passes by.
There was a bit of wind but it wasn't too windy for the drone but last time I tried to launch the drone from here, it didn't let me.
I kind of like this one because the clouds seem to lead in.
I think they are leading better here.
And one more as she heads down the river.

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