Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Next Up, the Saginaw

 So the next ship was one of the ships that I wanted to catch.

I'm not sure where she was coming down from but she was headed to Cleveland.
Based on the cargo and destination, I would say she came from Bruce Mines.
Which means that she was probably carrying stone.
The light was still pretty good but it was a little windier than normal.
But not too bad.  Made for some nice waves though.
The second bow shot.
She makes the turn for the channel.
She pounds into some waves.
And some more but not as bad I've seen it before.
I kind of like this one.
One more from my normal camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
And with my drone, I realize why they call this the blue water area.
One thing I like about my drone is that I can get some angles that I wouldn't normally be able to get.
Still pretty low.
I like this shot.
The beam shot.
She continues up.
She was heading to Cleveland.
One more shot with my normal camera.

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