Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Battle Creek Air Show - 2022

 So yesterday I decided to head over to Battle Creek to catch the Air Show.  I didn't want to go into the air show so I looked for a spot near the airfield where I'd have a good chance to catch it.  I think I found it.  I'm going to break this down into two posts because I got a few pictures.

The air show opened with what appeared to be a sky writer.
The plane on the right was carrying a couple of parachutists.
The plane tried to do skywriting but I think it was too windy.
It came lower.
They were flying the American Flag.
It was pretty cool.
Another shot of the first plane.
The flag flipping around.
Another pair of parachutists.
A jet powered glider.
It was pretty neat to watch it go through its paces.
Most of it unpowered.
Another plane.
This was pretty cool to watch.
I think I like watching propellor planes more than jets.  Propellor planes can do many things that a jet can't do.
These guys were pretty cool too.
They split off.
A snap roll.
Another formation flight.
The Beechcraft.
It was pretty cool watching this go through it's paces.
I think this was the Navy's version of the F-35.
It is like the Air Forces but it has reinforced landing gear and can land on an aircraft carrier.
I think the Marines use it, but they have a version that can take off vertically.
showing off the weapons bays.
It flies over.
I kind of like this angle.

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