Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Cuyahoga on a Nice Sunny Day

 And this is the other ship that got me out.

I saw that the Cuyahoga was heading upbound and I wanted to catch her as well.
I still have a feeling that I need to catch her as much as possible because I don't think she is long for the world.
She was built in 1943 in Lorain, Ohio.
She was originally launched as the J. Burton Ayers for Great Lakes Steamship company.
In 1995, she was acquired by her current owners.
In 1999, she was equipped with a diesel engine.
She gets quite a bit of work with her current company.
She passes Marysville.
An almost beam shot.
I like the way the clouds lead into the shot.
And she continues on her way.
I would like this shot a little more but there is a bit of heat haze.
She passes Port Huron.
I really like this spot because of the variety of views.
I prefer downbound ships though.
She gives an almost bow shot.
Getting there.
The bow shot.
She turns to head out of the channel.
I clicked the picture button but I kind of like this shot.
She passes through the Blue Water Bridge.
You can definitely see the channel in this picture.
And she is almost smack dab in the middle of it.
I was trying my drone from a low angle.
I think this is my favorite of the set.
She passes by.
The beam shot.
She is passed by a pleasure boat.
And she heads out to Lake Huron.
One more shot.

I ended up heading over to Shiawassee but there wasn't much there.  What was there was too far out, so no pictures.  Maybe next time.

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