Sunday, July 17, 2022

Thunder Over Michigan - Part III

 So the next part is just the Blue Angels.

The Blue Angels started the show with Fat Albert.  The C-130 they use now is the C-130J and it is more powerful than the one they used to use.
They don't do the rocket assisted take off any more but I don't think they need to.
The photo pass.
It gets ready to come in for a landing.
The Blue Angels came up next.
They are now flying the F/A-18 Super Hornet.
It is more powerful than the F/A-18C they used to fly.
One of the opposing solos coming in on a pass.
The diamond.
They were rolling.
The mirror formation.
A dirty pass.
It was moist enough for vapor trails still.
The diamond mirror.
The echelon pass.
Another echelon pass.
A five ship line abreast pass.
Another diamond pass.
A high alpha pass.
They were barely moving in front of the crowd.
And then they split up.
I think one of the planes ended up having a problem because there are normally six ships in this formation.
It passes by.
Coming into position for the break.
And the break.  Even though they were missing a plane, it was still cool looking.
Number 2 coming in for a landing.
Number 4.
Number 5.
And Number 6.

I'll have to say that the show was pretty cool.  It is always cool when they can get the Blue Angels.  I just wish they would have had more warbirds but I think they had some cancellations at the last minute.  When you consider that the warbirds are pushing 80, that is not surprising.  Anyway, I can't wait for next year.

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