Saturday, July 23, 2022

Whereupon I Catch 2000 Feet Worth of Ship

 So I had one more ship to catch.  I wasn't sure I was going to catch her because she was fueling in Detroit when I first checked up on her.

The Paul R. Tregurtha had a split load of coal for St. Clair and Monroe.
After she delivered coal to Monroe, she stopped at the Mistersky Fuel Docks where she fueled up.
I'm not sure how long it takes to fuel up at those docks.  I know it is at least two hours.
It makes it difficult to gage when they are going to start moving though.
It was a nice enough day.  As I was sitting in bed this morning, it didn't look like it was going to be so nice.
The weather men were predicting thunderstorms.  Based on other information, we need them.
One more shot with my normal camera.
As I was shooting pictures of Paul Tregurtha, the American Spirit was heading down.  It was cool to catch this shot, I just wish it could have been closer.
The Tregurtha gets closer.
I kind of like this shot.  Especially since it has the American Spirit in the background.
Down low a bit.
And pulling out.
The beam shot.
One more.
And she continues on her way to Superior, where she will pick up coal again.

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