Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Whereupon I Still Catch the Blue Angels

 I caught the Block early enough that I still had a chance to catch the Blue Angels.  I looked at the weather and I saw that the storm had missed Ypsilanti, so I decided to head back home in order to catch the Blue Angels.

Just before the Blue Angels, the pilots of the F-16s from Toledo decided to put on a little demonstration for the crowd.  Unfortunately I missed it.   I did kind of surmise that many of the acts cancelled, so I'm glad I decided to go boatwatching first.
The Blue Angels didn't cancel but they were doing their low level show.
This plane disappeared in the clouds shortly after this shot.
The famous diamond.
Still in the diamond as they pass.
They did a roll after this.
I like this shot.
The planes getting into the mirror formation.
The mirror formation.
The diamond in landing configuration.
It was humid enough that it made for a good vapor trail day.
I really like this one.
The diamond mirror.
The echelon formation.
The other direction.
Another turn.
Line abreast.
So close to a passing shot.  Sadly, this was the only one I got all weekend.
The diamond again.
Setting up for a pass.
I like this one also.
They were going slow in front of the crowd.
And breaking up.
The delta again.
As it passes.
Setting up for the last display.
And the burst.
One more pass in the delta before landing.

Sadly, they didn't do Fat Albert.  Like I said, I think there were alot of acts that didn't perform on Sunday.   But I think that's the risk of using old aircraft on a day when there is potential for nasty weather.  They weren't really designed for it in the day and now that they are older, they probably shouldn't go out in it.

Oh well, the Blue Angels were a nice topper to a good day.

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