Sunday, August 14, 2022

And the Clarke for my Birthday

 So I had one more ship to catch.

She was moving up the river fairly slowly, so I decided to head down to Del Ray to catch her sooner.
I also went there because I figured she was heading to the fuel dock.
I think she was heading up from Conneaut but I'm not sure.
After a long layup, this was her second voyage.
I think she is filling in for the Presque Isle which is down for repairs.
She is probably also filling in for the Blough which was damaged in a fire.  I don't think it's likely that she will return to service.  That will be sad because she was my favorite ship.
She is a sister ship to the Anderson and Callaway.
I've heard that the Callaway is not likely to return either.
Since she was moving slow, I had more time than usual to play with my drone.
And that allowed me to get some different angles.
I kind of like this shot.
Shooting from above.
I like this shot too.
I think this is my favorite angle.
A shot I wouldn't attempt when a ship is moving at a normal speed.
She starts to pass.
The almost beam shot.
I like this angle too.
From above.
Another quarter angle.
The beam shot.
And then I switched back to my regular camera.
I kind of like this shot.
After fueling, I think she was heading to one of the stone ports.  From there, she was heading up to Duluth.  I was able to catch her in the Soo tonight and it looked like she was loaded.

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