Thursday, August 18, 2022

And the Philip R. Clarke

 I had one more ship to catch.

Again, I was hoping she would make it before dark.
She wasn't going as slow as the ships from the night before, so I was pretty sure she would make it.
I caught the Clarke in Detroit on Friday.  She stopped and got stone.
Now, she is heading up to Duluth.
She might be getting repairs in Duluth right now.
I imagine she wont be staying there long as Great Lakes Fleet is still down the Presque Isle.
She is a sister to the Arthur Anderson but I don't remember the differences between the two.
She is also a sister to the Callaway.
And then I switched to my drone.
I like this shot.
I really like the colors.
She passes by.
Gives me the almost beam shot.
And continues down the river.
One more.

While I didn't get to see many ships, I liked the quality of what I saw.  It is not often that I see four classic lakers in one weekend.  I at least got to see four 1000 footers, so that was pretty cool.  I wish I could have seen a salty but the timing wasn't right.

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