Tuesday, August 9, 2022

And Then There Was the Anderson

 So the next ship is another that I've been hoping to catch for a while.

It seems as though she's been spending alot of time on Lake Michigan lately.
That typically involves delivering iron ore to Gary.
This time she was coming down from one of the stone ports.
I was paying so much attention to the Sykes that I didn't notice her sneaking down.
Since I was in Port Huron anyway it was good to catch her.
It had just rained too, so all the pleasure boats were cleared out.
She makes the turn for the channel.
The first bow shot.
She makes the turn for the channel.
This is one the reasons I like shooting at Port Huron.
I can get so many angles.
And I can generally get shots with a clean back ground.
And she continues on.
One of the buoys.
She starts to make the turn for the other channel.
It's a nice looking ship.
She gets closer to the other bow shot.
And the other bow shot.
She makes the turn for the other part of the channel.
She cuts a nice view.
I figured I would get a few more shots with my regular camera.
the last of the clean shots.
Got a little bit of the bridge in this one.
I like this one.
And then I switched to my drone.  I caught the exposure thing, so these should be okay.
I love the sky in the back.
She continues on.
Another angle.
And this is probably my favorite shot in a while.
She makes the turn for the rest of the river.
The almost beam shot.
She continues down the river.
I think she was delivering stone to Detroit and I think that is being used for the Gordie Howe Bridge.
I kind of like this shot.
And I leave you with a stern shot.  Until next time, Arthur.

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