Thursday, August 18, 2022

Catching the Arthur Anderson in the Dark

 I was having a hard time getting to sleep on Saturday night.  I was up and down all night.  As I looked at Marine Traffic, I saw that the Anderson was through the locks, so I decided to head to Mission Point.

The Arthur M. Anderson is one of my favorite ships.  She will end up moving higher on that list if the Blough does end up getting scrapped.  I will hate to see the Blough go but I can understand why they would do that.
The Arthur M. Anderson was coming down from Duluth.  I presume with a load of iron because she was heading to Gary.
When I thought about doing this, I was actually hoping there would be more light.
So I had to mess around with the ISO settings on my camera.
And the level I had to set it to meant that my pictures would be grainy.
It was still a pretty neat experience.  It's amazing how quiet her steam turbine engines are.  It was just the sound of the river and nothing else.
I think I like this picture the best.  They look much better at this smaller scale though.
About 8 hours later, I decided to catch her at the Mackinac Bridge.
Unfortunately, it was a little hazy but that's okay as I still got pictures of her.
I kind of like this shot.
I continued to follow her as she moved over the water.
I'm kind of surprised how much smoke is coming out.
She continues on her way.
I like fact that the background is relatively clean.
One more shot.

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