Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Catching a Pair of Trains

 As I was heading to the last bridge, I passed a train that was heading to the town of Camden.

I ended up heading back to the town in order to catch the train.
It had to stop for a little bit and then I saw a green light and heard a train horn from the other side and I saw why it had stopped.
A Norfolk-Southern train was coming from the other direction.
I was not expecting to catch two trains.
But I will take it.
Especially with such a cool background.
After the Norfolk-Southern train passed, the Union Pacific train could start moving again.
It was pretty cool seeing a Union Pacific train since they are fairly rare over here.
It was starting to move at a pretty good clip.
But I could get some pictures of it.
One more before heading to my next destination.

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