Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Victory and Maumee Leave Mistersky

 As I was waiting for my ship to pass, I was able to catch this one.

I took a picture of the Victory and Maumee as they were refueling at Mistersky.  I didn't think I would catch them leaving.
It wasn't much longer before they started to pull out of the dock.
I think they were heading up to the Soo because I saw them passing Mission Point yesterday.
Based on where they went, I would guess that they were loaded with something.
And I would also conclude that from how low in the water she is.
I kind of like this shot.
The three quarters shot, even if it is a tug/barge.
She starts to pass the Gordie Howe Tower.
So then I switched to my drone.
Lately, I've been trying to get lower shots.
The quarter angle.
One more shot.

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