Friday, August 26, 2022

Trying to Catch the Air Show Staging

 I was going to go to the Air and Water Show.  I didn't feel like walking far and my dad can't really walk all that far, so I thought up a solution that would work for both of us.  I ended up getting tickets on the Windy in order to watch the air show from the water.

Unfortunately, we got a slow start at the hotel and it put us out of the window of getting on the boat, so we didn't go on the boat.  Besides, both of us were not feeling quite well and being stuck on a boat might not be such a great idea.  So maybe next year for that.

I remembered from years past that they stage the air show from Gary Airport, so I figured we would head there to catch the staging anyway.  

It would have worked if I got there earlier.  The spot I was thinking of was already full, so I had to park on the shoulder.  I was able to catch these planes leaving.
The F-22 came back and put on a little display for the people in front of the airport.  Unfortunately, it was behind some wires from where I was at, so I could only get this shot.  It wasn't bad especially with the trails coming out.

Unfortunately, this was my last shot.  The Sheriff came by and told all the people parked on the shoulder that they had to find another spot.  I drove around the airport and short of actually parking there, I couldn't find a spot.  I'm not sure that parking there would have been good, so we just headed home.

Anyway, I'm gonna try to find a better solution for next year.

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