Monday, September 5, 2022

Catching the Houtmangracht

 The next ship is making her first appearance on Michigan Exposures and we welcome her to our pages.

The Houtmangracht is owned by Spliethoff out of the Netherlands.  The company was established in 1921 as a ship broker for forest products from the Baltics.  In 1946, they received their first ship.
She was built in 2008.
She is a little over 500 feet long and can carry about 10,000 tons of cargo.
I switched over to the drone.
I think she was carrying turbine blades on the upbound trip.
She is on her way to Sept. Iles in Quebec.
I think she will pick up a load for a return to Europe from there.
The beam shot.
She continues down the river.
I think she will be at her destination in another day or so.

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