Monday, September 19, 2022

Delivering Rocks to the Locks

 The next one was coming upbound.

The John J. Boland had "Soo" listed as her destination.  I think that means she was in fact going to the Soo.
And as I look at AIS, I see that she is currently there.
Her origin was listed as Marblehead.
That means she was carrying stone.
When I saw that, I assumed she was carrying stone for the new lock but based on where she's dock, I'm not sure that is the case.
But it is possible because the other side of the river might be a good place to store the stone.
I would imagine they need quite a bit.
And then I switched to my drone.
It was little windier this time but not too bad.
She approaches.
I kind of like this shot.
Almost the beam.
The beam shot.
She heads out to Lake Huron.
An almost straight on shot.
And she continues on Lake Huron.

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