Monday, September 5, 2022

The Cleveland Air Show - 2022

 I ended up going to the Cleveland Air Show yesterday.  I found a pretty good spot where I can see it where I don't have to actually go to the airshow.  It is on top of one of the parking structures in Cleveland.

First up was the B-25 Mitchell named Georgie's Gal.
This B-25 comes out of Port Clinton in Ohio.  It is owned by the Liberty Aviation Museum.
If you take Ohio Route 2 into Cleveland, you pass right by the airfield.
It is a pretty cool looking bomber.
Not a view that I would like to see.
One more shot.
This plane is flown by Greg Koontz and it was pretty cool to see.
I love some of the maneuvers they put these planes through.
I like this picture.
A slip turn.
A flat spin.
Heading down.
Another turn.
Another fly by.
Next up was the F-16 Viper Demonstration plane.
Interestingly, this is the third time I've seen this plane.
But it is still cool everytime I see it.
There was a bit of humidity yesterday, it made for some cool effects.
A climb with afterburner.
A flyby.
Pulling a tight turn.
There was a shockwave forming around the intake.
it was forming a shockwave as it headed out over Lake Erie.
I kind of like this shot.
And this one.
Entering a turn.
I love this pattern.
Pulling up and heading away.
Next up was a MiG-17.
I think the MiG-17 was built after the Korean War.  It was the first Soviet aircraft equipped with an afterburner.
I'm not sure if it was capable of supersonic flight though.
The Cleveland Clinic helicopter doing a fly by.
The Golden Knights going up.  The plane was dropping streamers so that they could judge the wind.
Next up was an F-15 demo.
Another shot of the Golden Knight plane.
I think these F-15s were out of Louisiana.
A nice fly by.
The F-15 turning.
Another shot.
It goes into afterburner.
A nice fly by.
I like this shot.
The pair.
Another pass.
Just before they headed oout.
Only one of the Golden Knights came out.  A pretty nasty rain storm came next.  That unfortunately canceled the Blue Angels.

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