Saturday, October 22, 2022

First Up the Michipicoten

 It wasn't too long before I saw the ship that I wanted to see.

The Michipicoten came around the bend.
According to her AIS, she was heading to Windsor.
I think she was coming down from one of the Canadian stone ports.
As I am typing this, her AIS says that she is heading to Sandusky.
Her current origin port says "Detroit", so I wonder if she did a split load between Windsor and Detroit.
I'm not sure about the nuances about the Jones Act but I think if a ship originates in a foreign country it can still unload here.
Anyway, it was nice seeing this ship.
It seems like she has been passing when I couldn't catch her.
the beam shot.
She continues on.
From this point, it would be 45 minutes or so to her destination.
One more shot before moving on.

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