Monday, October 3, 2022

The Alpena at Rest

 I saw that the Alpena was at the cement plant in Detroit, so I decided to head there next.  I thought she would be leaving soon but darkness was approach.

First I took a shot of her with my normal camera through the fence.  She's a nice looking ship.
Then I got my drone out.  This is still pretty much a normal camera shot.
And then I pulled the drone up until the wind became too much.
And then I tried to get a beam shot but sadly I was shooting into the sun.
You can kind of see that here as you see some lens slave.
So I tried the beam shot but a little lower.
I kind of like this shot.
And this shot.

Pulled back a little bit.
As I was recovering my drone.

Anyway, she left about an hour after I was there.  OH well, I'm sure I'll have other opportunities to catc her.

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