Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A New Ship

It's not often when I get a new ship but it happens every so often.

The Fivelborg is owned by the Royal Wagenborg company out of the Netherlands.
She was built in the Ferus Smit Leer which is a shipyard in Germany.
She was built in 2010.
She is roughly 450 feet long and 60 feet wide.  These dimensions mean that she can pass through the Welland Canal.
She can carry 13,500 tons of cargo.
She is registered in Delfzul, Netherlands.
She is currently on her way to Chicago and I would imagine she is going to pick up grain there.
This is about the time that the salties start to return to Europe.
And of course I switched to my drone.
The M.S. Westcott at her side.
One more picture before moving to the next ship.

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