Sunday, November 13, 2022

And the Main Attraction

 So last night as I was checking for possible ships, I saw that the Arthur Anderson was heading down.  I also saw that the Sykes was in Toledo, so I expected that she would be passing sometime in the day.  I also saw that the Michipicoten was heading down.

The Anderson ended up passing too early for me to catch her.  The Sykes was taking a long time to unload.  I thought I would catch both on the return trip.
The Michipicoten was passing at the right time, I so I figured I would go down and catch her.  Little did I realize that I would get a bonus of two other ships.
Her heading was listed as Windsor, so I thought that she was heading to the dock where the Anderson was at.  Because of that, I thought she would be using the anchorage in front of Belle Isle.
I then remembered that there is a stone dock on the other side of Windsor that is almost right across from Belle Isle.  I still wasn't sure if she was heading there or not.
I realized she was turning around.
But I thought maybe she was going to back into the anchorage.
It was kind of cool to watch though.
It's amazing watching the helmsmen handle these ships.
I started to realize that she was in fact heading to the other dock.
I wish that I had realized that sooner because there was another spot where I could have gotten better pictures.
Not that these weren't bad though.
I kind of like the lighting on this one.  Just wish I were a little closer.

As for the Anderson and Sykes.   The Anderson spent all day unloading and it wasn't until dark that she started to pass.  It was the same with the Sykes, so I ended up missing both.

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