Sunday, November 6, 2022

Angry Lake Michigan and the Grand Haven Lighthouse

 I saw that it was supposed to be windy yesterday and I've wanted to catch pictures of the waves in Grand Haven for a while.  I ended up heading over there but I took kind of a convoluted way of getting there so I didn't get over until late in the afternoon.

The time worked out pretty well.  Since it was cloudy, the sun was blocked as I was on this side.  This is from what I call the "secret" park.  Sadly, it's less of a secret these days as there were a few people there.
But it gives a nice view of the lighthouse and the channel.
The part I was interested in was the range light though.
There is a breakwater in front of it and that gives spectacular looking waves.
It was windy enough that the water was turning to mist and it looked pretty cool.
Crashing into the pier.  And of course, the pier was closed.
If it didn't cloud over more, the sunset would have looked cool.
The waves misting over.
A couple more pictures from this side.
It was pretty tough controlling my camera too.
Then I went over to the State Park side.  I couldn't believe the number of people that were there.  I had to circle a couple of times to get a parking spot.
When I did finally get a spot, the winds were strong enough that I could barely open my door.  I don't think I've ever encountered that before.
Even though I didn't get a picture of it, the sand was blowing across the lot.  It was kind of like a fog running over it.
I was more interested in the waves, obviously.
Since my camera has a burst mode, I could time my shots.
I was able to get some nice crashing waves.
With the breakwater, they look larger.
And the mist carrying over the waves.
And I really like this shot.
Another with the wave crashing over.
The water was boiling.
The water getting carried away by the wind.
Another shot of the lighthouse.
The sun came out briefly again.
Which really helped.
It looks like it has wings.
Another of the lighthouse.
A little pulled out.
Trying to get a shot of both.
I'm not sure about this shot.
Nicely lit.
I got my little lens out.  I wasn't about to venture out though.  Like I said, the wind was strong and the time I did get out, I was getting pelted by sand.
This was good enough.
Just wish the fence weren't there.
One more before heading home.

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