Friday, November 25, 2022

Catching a Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk

 I went up to my cousin's for a Christmas dinner.  Today was pretty much the only day that everyone could meet, so we had it today.  It was pretty nice to see my cousins and the meal was pretty good.

I decided to take River Road the rest of the way up.  It runs along the Saginaw River.  Occasionally I will see freighters or wildlife.
I knew I wasn't going to see any freighters, so I was banking on seeing some wildlife.  I saw an eagle as I first turned onto River Road.  He flew away as soon as I got my camera out.
As I was continuing up, I saw this guy land.  I stopped and got out to take some pictures of him.
Apparently it is a juvenile red tailed hawk.
It was pretty cool to see and I'm fairly happy with the pictures.
And then it flew away.

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