Tuesday, December 27, 2022

An A319 Passes Belanger Park

 I decided to go out boatwatching today.  It was a little warmer today than it was yesterday and it didn't seem like the wind was blowing as hard.

I ended up down at Belanger Park because I didn't think I would make it to Belle Isle in time.  Before stopping at Belanger, I stopped at Riverside Park but it was closed.  I think it might be closed for the season.  Since the ship I was going to catch was heading up the Rouge River, I didn't think Belanger would be a problem.

As I was waiting for the ship, I heard this plane fly behind me.  It was on the downwind side of the approach.  It would turn and then head back to Metro Airport.  This particular plane was an A319 and it was coming in from Reagan National Airport in Washington D.C.

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