Friday, December 30, 2022

An Eagle on the Saginaw River

 I decided to head up to Fish Point again today.  I thought that I might have better luck finding an owl.  I ended up driving along the Saginaw River into Bay City when I saw something that caught my eye.

There was an eagle on the river.  As I was driving past, I didn't realize that he had food.  I was able to go back to catch him and he was starting to take off.
I think he was having a little trouble with the fish because dropped it shortly after this.
When I got home I saw that it was either a bullhead or catfish.  That might explain the trouble with it.
He was repositioning it.
And then he took off for home.
One more shot.  I saw where he landed but I think I would have needed to blow up my pictures even more.

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