Sunday, February 26, 2023

A Brief Stop at the Airport

 As I was about to head home, I saw that there were some interesting planes at the airport.  So I decided to stop at the airport.

Normally, I would mention where the planes are coming from but I am staying at the hotel tonight.  My power has not been restored and it is supposed to be restored tomorrow.  I didn't want to spend another night in the dark, so I booked a room.  As a result, I don't have my notebook with me.  But I will try to remember.
I think this 757 was coming in from Tampa.
At least they are still using the 757 on the Florida routes.
I was hoping to see the 757-200 though but I haven't seen those in a while.
This is the stretch 757.
It think it is pretty cool.
It was followed by an A321 coming in from Fort  Myers.
It was followed by one coming in from Atlanta
This is the main plane to catch my interest.
It is a 777 coming in from Paris.
It belongs to Air France.
I haven't seen one of these in a while.
So I was happy to see it.  It was especially happy to see it in such good light.
One more shot.
I think this CRJ was coming in from LaGuardia.
I don't remember where this one was coming from.
Another 757.
I think this one was coming in from Fort Lauderdale.
The clouds look pretty cool.
This is by far my favorite.
The light was pretty cool.
One more shot of it.
I like the yellow planes.
A beacon shot.  This A320 was coming in from Cancun.
An A350 coming in.
This particular one was coming in from Amsterdam.
A beacon shot.
Sadly I was shooting into the sun.
One more.
An E175 but I don't remember where it was coming from.  I would guess Charlotte based on the airline.

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