Sunday, February 5, 2023

Settling on the Silversides

 Yesterday, I headed up north in the quest for snowy owls.  I made it up there.  Saw an eagle but was not in a spot where I could get a picture.  Then I went to my normal spot for snowy owls but the roads were pretty blown over and I didn't see any there.  I went looking in another spot where someone found some and the roads were nastier there, so I turned around to head back.  I came back along River Road but didn't see anything.  So no pictures from yesterday.

Today, we decided to head over to Muskegon.  There was a spot there that people said they were seeing snowy owls.  I ended up going there but there was a lot of space to cover and I didn't see any.
I decided that I didn't want to leave with an empty camera, so I headed down to the Silversides where I got some pictures of her.
I kind of like this shot.  I wish I had photoshop so that I could make it look like she's out on the ocean.
One more shot.  I would like it better if I didn't have the anchor line from the NOAA vessel in the shot.

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