Saturday, February 18, 2023

Some Birds in Ohio

 I saw that the wildlife drive was going to be open this weekend, so I decided to head down to Ottawa today.  After yesterday's ice storm, it was nice to be in the upper 40s again today.

It looks like the trumpeter swans have returned.  Although they may have been back last month too.
It seems like there are a few more of them this time though.
They are pretty neat looking birds.
A pair of them swimming around.
Sort of looking at me.

A pair again.
I decided to head over to Magee as well.  I think this nest was moved from its spot closer to the road.
It is an eagle pair.  I'm not sure when the eaglets hatch but I think it's soon.
A Canada goose.
It was a little on the windy side today.
I headed back to Ottawa.  I saw some eagles.  As I rounded a corner, I saw this guy.  Unfortunately, he was further away than I liked.  But I think it's a decent shot.
I headed down one of the roads, I don't normally take and I saw this kestrel.
He was not an easy bird to get a picture of, but I'll post it, since I don't have many.
But I was able to get some better pictures.
I think he was posing in this picture.  At least briefly.
I was really happy to see this bird.  Many people consider the robin as the bird of spring.  They are mostly right but it seems like many robins stick around.  This is a red winged blackbird.  It seems like they are one of the early migrators.  It also doesn't seem like they come back until it is really spring.  Granted weather can get wonky but I think spring is finally here. 
And I leave you with a Canada goose.

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