Saturday, March 11, 2023

Missing the AlgoCanada but Catching the Morro Bay

 When I checked Marine Traffic, I saw that the AlgoCanada was heading over to Green Bay.  I decided to go catch her at Port Huron.  When I got to Port Huron, I saw that she had stopped for something.  I'm guessing either fuel or it's going to get ugly tonight.  Either way, I didn't catch her.

But sometimes life throws you some sugar to go with the lemons.
As I was figuring out what to do, I saw that the Morro Bay was heading up.
I think she is normally stationed in Cleveland.
Accoring to her destination, she was heading up to the St. Marys River.
I think there is quite a bit of ice up there, so she is needed there more.
The head shot and I loved the way she was pushing the waves.
She makes the turn for the channel.
the Hollyhock in the background.
It was a little on the cold side though.
And she's about to pass.
The beam shot.
And she continues on to Lake Huron.

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