Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Next Up, the Oakglen

 I headed down to Marysville to catch the next ship and based on what happened it was a good thing.

The Oakglen was the next ship.
I'm not sure where she was coming from but I know that she wasn't loaded.
As I was looking at the rust on her, I was wondering if I would need a tetanus shot to get pictures of her.
She was heading up to Superior.
I'm not sure if she was heading to the ore docks or coal docks.
I'm gonna guess the ore docks.
Anyway, it was pretty cool seeing her because I think she is the last of the "glen" ships.
It was a pretty overcast day though.
And not the kind of clouds that I usually like to get.
But I guess it wasn't too bad.
The beam shot.
She ended up stopping for fuel, so it was a good thing I came down here to catch her.

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