Saturday, April 8, 2023

Catching the Oberstar for the First Time this Year

 I had a bit more time before the next ship.

The James L. Oberstar was coming down from somewhere.  I think it was either Marquette or Two Harbors.
Either way, she was heading down to Toledo.
And I think that means she was carrying iron.
I really like the look of the steam from the scrubbers.
It seems to come out on a cooler day and today was deceptively cold.  The sun was out but the wind was blowing enough to make it cooler than it should have been.
She makes the turn for the channel.
This gives me a chance to get a bow shot.
And the bow shot.
She makes the turn for the river.
I love this view.
I switched to my drone.  The river looked absolutely beautiful.
I can see why they call this blue water.
A nice angle.
I couldn't pull back enough to get the bow shot.
She continues on.
The stern shot.
the stern shot with my regular camera.

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