Monday, April 3, 2023

Catching Up With the Kaye E. Barker

The next ship is the other ship that I was thinking that I would be able to catch in Detroit.  This is also the ship that would potentially interfere with catching the ship I wanted to catch in Port Huron.   She wasn't too far behind the Frontenac, so I stuck around to catch her.

The next ship up was the Kaye E. Barker.
She was making her normal run of Marquette to Dearborn.
The bowshot.
Because of that run, she is a frequent visitor to this blog.  I suspect that is not going to change any time soon.
Which I wont protest because she's a beautiful ship.
I was glad that it was nice and sunny because the ships pop out on days like this.
Although it was pretty cold.
One more with my normal camera.
Again, I switched to the drone.
It was mostly a nice day for it.
Since I could get on the sunny side, the ship really pops out.
The beam shot.
And in about 3 hours, she will be in Dearborn.

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