Monday, April 24, 2023

Herbie the Love Boat

 This was the main ship that I wanted to catch.

I always love to catch classic lakers.
The Herbert C. Jackson is one of the more classic looking of the classic lakers.
It helps that Interlake does a pretty decent job of taking care of their ships.
She was coming down from Calcite.
Which I presume means she had a load of stone.
It was nice to catch her.
It was also nice that the sun was coming out.
the clouds looked pretty cool.
She passes by.
Windsor in the background.
Greeted by the Westcott.
The Westcott gets up to her side.
She starts to pass under the bridge.
She passes under the bridge.
She continues down the river.
The Cuyahoga in the background.
She is on her way to Cleveland.

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