Sunday, April 30, 2023

Not the First Time for the Harbour First

 The next ship was coming down from Sarnia, I think.

The Harbour First is one of many salties that ply the Great Lakes.
She is a tanker and that typically means they are going to pick up liquids.
According to her AIS, she is heading to Montreal.
That's at least a couple more days of travel for her.
I would imagine she is heading to Montreal to unload her current cargo and pick up something for overseas.
It seems like the salties come over for one thing and then head back.
Sometimes they will deliver multiple loads before heading back though.
The Westcott at her side for a pilot change.
Salties are required to have a Great Lakes pilot.
The Westcott pulls away.
Each going their separate ways.
The Harbour First continuing on her journey.

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