Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Federal Rideau Passes By

 So this was the first ship that I caught.

The ship in question was the Federal Rideau.  It was starting to rain as I started to take pictures of her.
And that made for the haziness of the pictures but I kind of like the haziness.  It makes it a little moodier.
The Federal Rideau was coming down from Goderich, so I'm not 100% sure what she loaded there.
But based on where the hull was, she was loaded.
the bow shot.
She was headed to Quebec City which makes me think that perhaps she was loaded with grain.
She might be taking grain there.  Or she might be taking something else there to pick up something to head overseas.
At any rate, these ships are kind of cool to see because they bring some variety.
The other bow shot.
She makes the turn for the channel.
One of the reasons why I like Port Huron.
The views here are awesome.
I tried to get some other shots but my smaller lens got covered with rain almost as soon as I put it on.

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