Sunday, April 30, 2023

An Amazing Day at Ottawa

 It was a pretty quiet day on the river today.  I saw that the drive was open at Ottawa in Ohio, so I decided to head down there.

First up is a Canada goose and her baby.
An egret.
Another egret.
I'm not sure what kind of duck this is but it looks kind of cool.
I had to get a few pictures of it.
I like this one the most.
One more.
A puddle duck that looks like he's throwing up a salad.
Another puddle duck.
I think this is a muskrat.
they have such cool looking red eyes.
Close up of a Canada goose.
I thought this duck looked kind of like a vulture.  Turns out it's called a gallinule.  It used to be called a moorhen.
And egret, I love these birds.
A pair of painted turtles.
A heron.
As he was looking for food.
I love these birds too.
Another heron.
I went over to Magee next.  I saw that the eagle family was in the nest.  The younger eagle looked like he was practicing how to fly.
Dad was just kind of watching over.
Mom brought fish for dinner but I wasn't able to catch her flying over.

Nearby, there was a group of people taking pictures of something.  turns out it was a fox but I wasn't able to get any pictures of him.  It's really no surprise because he looked scared at all the people.
This is a blue-gray gnatcatcher.  He was not a fun bird to try to get a picture of.  This was probably the best of the bunch.
This eagle was at Ottawa.  I think there are 5 or 6 eagle pairs that live in the area now.  Frankly it is amazing.
It was starting to get windy.
The sky was getting grayer, so I decided to head home.

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