Sunday, May 21, 2023

Catching Up With the Calumet

 It has been over a year since I've caught the next ship, so I was kind of happy to see her.

As I was  tracking the Tregurtha, I saw that the Calumet was coming upbound.  She was going to be passing a little after the Tregurtha, so I was pretty sure I would get to see her.
Last time I saw her was January of last year.  The water looks a little different this time.  Mainly there is no ice.
She passes the Gordie Howe Bridge.  It looks like it is coming along nicely.  I think they've added more cables since the last time I was down here.
She is approached by the M.S. Westcott.
I think the M.S. Westcott was serving the role of mailboat today.
The ship is a little out of focus as my autofocus picked up on the seagull.  I still like this picture.
She has so much rust that I think I need a tetanus shot to look at this picture.
I like these ships because they remind me of warships.
She was coming up from Marblehead with a load of stone.
She was heading up to Marysville.
Not sure where she would be heading after that.
She passes under the Ambassador Bridge.
One more shot with the bridge.
The Westcott peels away.
The Calumet continues on her way with Windsor in the background.

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