Saturday, May 20, 2023

Greeting the Herbert C. Jackson Again

 I decided to head up to Bay City first.  I thought that I would be able to catch the Cuyahoga.  Unfortunately, I didn't catch her in time.  Then I thought about going up to Traverse City to see if I could catch any trillium but I got kind of a late start, so I headed over to Port Huron.

I saw that I had a chance to catch the Herbert C. Jackson as she was heading downbound.
She started in Marquette which likely means she picked up taconite.
She was heading to the Rouge River which likely means she was delivering that taconite to the steel mill.
At any rate, she is a lovely ship and I am always happy to see her.
Especially with the number of classic lake freighters dwindling.
There were quite a few fishermen out today.
she makes the turn for the channel.
I love this little dance.
A little more.
the almost head shot.
And then she turns for the river.
A little more.
And a little more.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge/
She continues on her way.
The skies were kind of gray all day.
The casino in the background.
Her pilothouse.
Her deckhouse.
And she continues down the river.
I was able to catch her in another spot in Port Huron because I was catching another ship here.
I was happy because I caught her in the golden light.
She passes by.
The beam shot.
And then I caught her again near Algonac.
It was getting dark so she had her lights on.
I love the reflection in the water.
The clouds looked pretty cool too.
I tried to pull the camera up a little bit.

A shot that I'm fairly happy with.

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