Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day from Ottawa

 I decided to take my mom down to Ottawa today.  It was a nice enough day although I wasn't sure how the crowds were going to be.  I guess I would find out.

The crowds weren't too bad.  The weather was nice enough that the animals were out.  I ran across this egret first.
I was close enough that I could get a shot of his head.
This is one of my favorite birds.  I love their cry.
Thier wings look so regal.
For some reason, it reminds me of a rank.
A swan.
One of the eagles was out.  I think this was the dad.
He was surveying his domain.
He looked pretty cool.
One more shot of him.
Another egret.
Just wish he stood out from the rocks a little more.
Looking for food.
a proud bird.
Fishing again.
A heron.
Another swan.
A good family.
Another egret.  It looks like this one lost a leg.
Happy Mother's Day.
Another shot of the mother.
A painted turtle.
These look pretty cool even though there are way too many.
Another turtle.
Another close up of an egret.
One more red winged blackbird.

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