Saturday, July 22, 2023

And a Stop at Ottawa

 Since it was on the way home, I ended up stopping at Ottawa.   Well, I stopped at Magee Marsh first but I didn't see anything there.

As I was entering the park, I saw a heard of deer.  This one was close enough that I could get a picture of him.
A pair of fawns.  
I was surprised he stayed there as long as he did but then again, I wasn't quite out in the open.
One more shot before moving on.
I think this is an indigo bunting and if so I will consider myself lucky.
A swan.
A baby swan.  I think these guys look pretty neat.
But for some reason, I will always think of the ugly duckling.
As I was getting ready to move on, I saw this eagle in the tree.  He was lit almost perfectly.
One more shot of him.
This was kind of a surprise.  I didn't know that sandhill cranes stopped here.  It was kind of cool to get one so close.
Since I like these birds, another picture.
There was another crane nearby.  So I had to get a picture of that one.
I'm not sure what this bird is.
I think this is a marsh mallow.
Another angle of one.
An immature eagle.
A more mature eagle but he is still fairly young.  He still has brown on his head.
He was looking around.
Another of the immature eagle.
He's looking at me.
I kind of wish he would have saw something to eat.
One more shot.
There were several rabbits around the park.  This was the only one I was able to get a picture of.
A flock of sandhill cranes.  And then I headed back home after a nice day.

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