Saturday, July 22, 2023

Catching the Philip R. Clarke in the City that Rocks

 I looked at AIS last night and I saw that the Philip R. Clarke was heading down to Cleveland.  I've never caught her there and it looked like a good day to go down there.

She ended up getting there a little faster than I had planned but I didn't miss too much.  I was hoping to catch her as she entered the breakwater but oh well.  She was turning around as I was heading to the park.
She was heading to the bulk terminal area.  I think she was coming down from Duluth and I think that means she was carrying a load of ore.
I know that ships will bring ore to the bulk terminal.  Other ships will take it from the bulk terminal to carry it to the steel mill on the Cuyahoga River.
I don't think the Clarke can make it down the Cuyahoga though.
Or maybe she can with a tugboat.  I would imagine it would be a pretty cool sight.
She gets a little closer to the dock.
Sadly I was shooting into the sun, so the pictures may look a little washed out.
Fortunately, I wasn't shooting directly into the sun.
I kind of liked this shot.  If you look closely, you will see that I got a 737 in it.  I just wish there was the normal train in it, then I could have had my trifecta.
I saw this as I was heading back to the car.  I liked the angle.  I also liked the fact that her boom was out.
One more shot before moving on.

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