Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Catching Up With the Arthur Anderson

This is the main ship that got me out on Sunday.  It has been a while since I've seen her.
I saw that she was coming down the day before but I also saw that she wasn't going to be passing Port Huron until later in the day.
It was a pretty nice day and I'm sure that I had a pretty good chance to get the golden light.
I might have been a little early for the golden light but the light was still nice for me.
The first bow shot.
I think she was coming down from Duluth.
I think that means she was carrying iron ore.
She was making a rare trip to Cleveland.
I think that means she was going to the Bulk Terminal by Windy Park.
I kind of wish I could have caught her there.
Oh well.
It was nice to catch her here except that I should have brought my drone with me.
the second bow shot.
She makes the turn for the channel.
Like I said, the light was just about perfect.
I like this shot.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
She continues down the river.
the sky looked pretty cool.
The almost beam shot.
A shot of her pilothouse.
Her deckhouse.
Her stack.
The almost stern shot.
One more.

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