Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Federal Nakagawa

 It didn't take too long for the next ship to appear at Marine City.

The Federal Nakagawa was pretty close to Marine City.  I wasn't sure if I was going to catch her or not.
As I was getting ready to leave, I looked back and saw that she was coming upbound.
I like the look of these salties.
Although, I'd swear that the ships from this company usually look better.
She heads up the river.
One more shot.
So I went up to Port Huron.  I was going to catch some other ships but she appeared there.
I was shooting this from a different spot because my other spots were full.  Because of this, I was trying a shot where I was using the buoys to lead into the shot, what do you think?
A bow shot.
She turns towards the channel.
I like this one.
She turns to leave.
I'm not sure where she was coming from.
But she was heading up to Thunder Bay.
I will assume she is going up there to pick up grain.
And then I'll assume she is going to carry that grain overseas.
I like the lighting in this one.
She approaches the Blue Water Bridge.
She gets under the bridge.
I kind of like this shot.
She continues on her way.

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