Saturday, July 29, 2023

Welcoming the Yankee Lady Back

 As I was putzing around on the computer before going out, I heard the distinctive sound of an old aircraft.  So I looked on Flight Radar and it turned out that it was the Yankee Air Force's B-25 heading out somewhere.  I figured it was heading out to do the flight experience.  So I checked flight radar at about the time it would be returning and I saw that the Yankee Lady was returning from Osh Kosh.  I decided to go out and catch her.

But that wasn't what I was welcoming her back from.
A couple of months ago, I saw a post on the Yankee Air Museum's Facebook page that they were cancelling the Yankee Lady appearances indefinitely.  After some poking around, I found out that they had to send her out for an inspection.
It turns out that it was an inspection that was happening because of an airworthiness concern coming down from the FAA.  Apparently, they are finding that the wing spars of old warbirds are wearing out sooner than expected.  So the Yankee Lady had to get a special test.
I saw that she was out again a couple of weeks ago.  Unfortunately, I couldn't catch her because I was at work.  Nor was I able to catch her as she headed out to Osh Kosh.
Needless to say, I was happy to see her today.  The clouds made for a nice picture taking opportunity.
Especially since the sun was out too.
I'm glad that they fixed whatever they needed to fix.
Hopefully I will see her at the air show in a couple of weeks.
I like this shot.
I was sticking around because I thought that maybe I would catch the B-25 as it was coming back.
Instead I caught this Piper Archer III.
I waited for a bit and then I saw that Hairless Joe was returning.
Hairless Joe used to be Yankee Doodle Dandy before they repainted her.
I guess they wanted her green.  I still prefer the old colors.
She is a C-47/DC-3.
It's amazing that these aircraft are still flying.
In fact, I think there are a few DC-3s that are used in cargo service.
One more shot of her.
The Piper Archer III came back just before I headed out.

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