Saturday, August 19, 2023

A Train Waits Outside of Durand

 After getting pictures of the Tregurtha, I decided to head up to Shiawassee.  I almost gave up as traffic was horrendous.  I had to take a detour when I got near Royal Oak because of construction.  When traffic stopped just outside of Auburn Hills, I almost turned around.  It just turns out, it was just someone on the side of the road.

When I got to Shiawassee, I found out it was closed.  Since it was nearby, I decided to head down to Durand.

I didn't see any trains passing the station.  When I looked at the lights nearby, they were all red, which I think means nothing was coming.
I didn't want to wait around or  nothing, so I decided to head home.
As I got just outside of town, I saw a train that was stopped.  I figured there was an engine attached.
Sure enough, there was and it was also fortunate, that there was a spot nearby where I could safely pull over.
After getting some pictures with my regular camera, I decided to use my drone.
Unfortunately, I was shooting towards the sun but the pictures aren't too bad.
Up and over.
I kind of like this one.  I think the truck was holding a replacement crew.
Probably my favorite.

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